Thursday, December 5, 2019

Bloomberg and Journalism

Here’s an interesting conflict-of-interest to consider. The newest candidate to join the presidential race is former New York Mayor and billionaire Mike Bloomberg. Bloomberg owns 89-percent of Bloomberg News, a national news gathering organization.

CNBC acquired a memo to the “journalists” from the Bloomberg News hierarchy laying out the ground rules going forward.
Here they are…

There will not be any investigative reporting done on the boss, Mike Bloomberg.  Second, there will be no investigative reporting on any of the Democratic candidates running against the boss….and third….most importantly….keep investigating the heck out of the president. He’s fair game.

On which planet is that fair and balanced?

It isn’t. No journalist worth his or her salt could possibly work for such a sham operation. It isn’t a news organization, it's part and parcel of the Bloomberg for President campaign. In fact, several members of the billionaire’s “editorial board” are actually joining the campaign. No pretense.

It’s a street fight…but the rules are pretty simple….nobody beats up the boss or his buddies. We just bludgeon the Republican. He’s the prize. Continue to investigate him.
Now, to be fair, a spokesperson for Bloomberg News says they will re-evaluate after the primaries. Right. In other words, if somebody in the party  gets out of line with the boss during the primaries, we might go after them too.

Earlier I referred to Bloomberg News as a news gathering organization. Pardon me for the error. They are flacks, pseudo journalists, shills. They don’t look for truth, they work for a paycheck.

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