Friday, November 1, 2019

Running From Race?

I’ve tried to analyze the words that flowed from former first lady Michelle Obama this week. I think she was trying to call out racists….those from her past….and  present day. But I think her suggestion that “white flight” was accelerating in Chicago and Illinois was because of racism…is sorely misguided.

Said Obama….quote…”Ya’ll were running from us, and you’re still running.”

Mrs. Obama---People aren’t leaving because of race. They are leaving because it isn’t safe in Chicago and it is far too expensive.

But then you might find it hard to understand how difficult it is to pay the highest tax rate in the nation. You also might find it difficult to understand danger.

The reason the demographics of Chicago continue to change is because of the costs associated with Windy City living….including the proliferation of gun violence. Let’s look at the numbers…

Chicago has the highest combined state and local sales tax rate in the nation.
Chicago had six people shot on Monday…..24 shot over the weekend…four of which died. 2313 Chicagoans have been shot this year….436 have died.

But those numbers probably mean nothing to the Obama’s who live in the most exclusive neighborhood in Washington, D.C. They live in an $8.1 million dollar home. And guess what? They are currently buying a 29-acre estate in Martha’s Vineyard for just under $15-million dollars. Everybody needs a place for the summer.

I think it is the height of hypocrisy for Michelle Obama to lecture us on running from anything….while she is running to….multi-million dollar mansions with armed guards.

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