Friday, December 6, 2019

Are We In....Or Out?

This week the Governor tweaked the landmark Illinois Recreational Pot law which will make the sale of marijuana legal starting in a little over three weeks.

There are elements of the new law I was unaware of. I didn’t realize the new dispensary  licenses would be awarded with an eye towards giving minority businessmen the inside track.

Governor Pritzker says he wants the law to  “create new millionaires in the black community….in the Latino community, all across the state.”

I guess it surprised me that this law was not just designed to allow people to get high….it also had a social engineering element….designed to spread wealth. There are only 30 medical dispensaries currently in the state…with more to hand out. And 75 new pot dispensary licenses could be handed out by May 1st. But there will be a preference granted to so-called “social equity applications.”

There was another thing changed Wednesday in the law. A provision that made it illegal for lawmakers to ever own, or have financial involvement in the business, changed. Starting in a couple of years, lawmakers and their families can own and operate a state regulated marijuana operation, but not  “while they are on the state payroll.” Shocking, given the rampant corruption in state government.

Having told you about these recent changes…we are set for an interesting December in Fairfield and Wayne County government. Decisions need to be made. Are we in…or out?

County board members and city aldermen know they will be defined by their votes.

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