Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Self-Check Dilemma

I’ve mentioned here before that I try to not visit Wal-Mart. When I do, out of necessity, it bothers me. They don’t spend a dime here and they have done considerable damage to locally-owned businesses from coast to coast.  

When I do go there, I’m stunned at the lack of service and the lack of product knowledge available. And while I’m ranting, let me discuss an article done by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation about making a personal choice to avoid self-checkout lanes.

At the local Wal-Mart, even during the busiest shopping hours, there might be only two check-out lanes available. Come on, this store does millions of dollars of business annually….you can’t employ more than two checkers at a time? Why did you build ten checkout lanes if you were only going to use two?

Anyway---the article says “never use self-checkout,” because it kills jobs---and  it doesn’t contribute payroll taxes. I’m sure it is a strategy at the big retail stores. The goal is to get rid of employees. It won’t be long before sensors and artificial intelligence supplants everyone.

In Canada, only 11-percent of those surveyed use self- checkout.  For many Canadians, it is a choice. They would rather wait in line….a line where a human is checking them out….than promote human-less commerce.

So, consider joining my personal moratorium on self-checkout. It might take me longer to shop…but that’s now a choice I’m willing to make.

Next up…training employees to know something about their products.

Call me a romantic…

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