Tuesday, September 29, 2020

The Slanted Pamphlet


I got a document in the mail from our Secretary Of State over the weekend. Jesse White felt it important to give me the skinny on the proposed amendment to the Illinois constitution which is on the November 3rd ballot.

So, here’s a document, paid for by the taxpayers of the state, that lays out the pros and cons of the so-called fair tax. It was clearly from the Governor and the Democrat’s point of view.

I examined the green pamphlet to see just how fair it was in its portrayal of the tax hike and came away astounded.

Three pages were devoted to the “arguments in favor of the proposed amendment.” Keep turning the pages to find the arguments against. About the equivalent of one full page. I did a word count. The State of Illinois used 806 words to try and persuade me to vote yes. They used a paltry 508 words to discuss why it would not be a good idea. That really defines fair, doesn’t it?

Voting for the amendment gives Springfield a blank check to raise taxes. It hurts farmers which is why the Illinois Farm Bureau is against it. Do I have to remind you of the three biggest industries in Wayne County? Agriculture, Agriculture and Farming.

 Passage would most certainly kill commerce and accelerate the exodus of jobs out of Illinois.

If you get a chance, read the slanted little green book Jesse White sent to you last week.

…After all, you paid for it.

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