Thursday, July 16, 2020

"Living On A Distant Galaxy"

The New York Times, that bastion of liberal thought, is in the midst of a civil war after the resignation of a contributing editor.

Bari Weiss resigned by posting an open letter to the paper’s publisher. In it, she claims the Times threw her under the bus after she printed an opinion piece written by the junior U.S. Senator from Oklahoma, Tom Cotton.

Cotton’s piece promoted the idea of using our military to quell unrest in U.S. cities if local law enforcement was unable to restore order. That is an opinion which is certainly counter to those on the left. And trust me…there are plenty of folks on the left side of the bench working for and reading the New York Times. The piece caught fire on Twitter and the publisher relieved Weiss of her duties.

Weiss wrote in her open letter: “The paper of record is, more and more, the record of those living in a distant galaxy, one whose concerns are profoundly removed from the lives of most people.”

Each day I sit at a keyboard and write this commentary knowing that a healthy number of the people who either listen to it….or read it in my blog….will not agree.

For the record…I don’t like the idea of unleashing our military on our cities. I would not agree with Senator Cotton. I would rather see our police armed to the teeth and allowed to do their jobs in maintaining urban peace. But I give Cotton credit for having an opinion….and Weiss has my admiration for actually putting it in print for her readers.

That she was castigated and fired is… flat out wrong.

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