Monday, December 2, 2019

Hoops And Hardwood

Another season of my favorite sport is underway. I have never hidden my adoration of high school basketball. A Tuesday or Friday night at mid-court of the Mule Barn is nothing short of heaven for Yours Truly.

I grew up dreaming of being a basketball star in my little hometown. I practiced hundreds and hundreds of jump shots in my backyard. I dreamed of the day I could play and wear my town’s colors. But it looked like it would not happen.

I started JV as a junior and it appeared that would be it for me. One night in O’Fallon, I caught fire. I couldn’t miss a shot. We won easily and I took my regular seat at the end of the varsity bench.
Near the end of the third quarter a buddy of mine saw his opportunity. He nudged me and said Coach wanted me. I jumped up and ran to kneel next to him.

Coach looked up and said, “What the hell are you doing here?”
I knew I had been had by my teammates. I walked back to my seat. Then, I guess Coach remembered the JV game. He turned and said, “Get Dreith.” When the players at the end of the bench related the message, I thought, sure….I’m not falling for that one again.
“Dreeeeeeith!” he screamed, I stumbled into the game.

What happened next was totally unexpected. I hit the first five shots I took. We came from behind and won.

The next day, I started.

I don’t mind telling you, short of the birth of three healthy boys later in life….that was my best moment.

The rest of my career was very mediocre. But my passion for high school basketball has never waned.

Go Mules.


  1. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. ...which has nothing to do with the commentary. Keep doing that and you will lose your ability to comment here too.

    3. Also, I hardly think your banning me from commenting on wfiw for publicly requesting a story be done on Donald Trump's sexually predatory behavior was appropriate. You can type "and you will lose your ability to comment here too" all you like, but the truth is, you ban whimsically AND when folks present information you don't want your readers to see.

      I assume you finally figured out your administrative tools for your blog, yesterday, and that is the reason for suddenly finding your voice.

    4. Actually, I was seeing if you could be civil and stay on topic without getting personal. You failed. Good-bye.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
