Wednesday, November 27, 2019

A Spirit Of Thanksgiving

There are so many things to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.

Let me take a shot at a few that come to mind.

Even with a divided nation, we continue to thrive. We are safe and there are many nets that protect the poorest among us. Here in Fairfield, Feed My Sheep Soup Kitchen is just one example. The richest country in the world provides for its own. And while there are many detractors to organized religion, our local churches are supportive of caring for the less fortunate, both locally and worldwide.

If someone asked me---Mike---what are you thankful for?

The answers would be plentiful. I was blessed with great parents who taught me to have a grateful spirit. I have healthy children and grandchildren. We mourn the loss of Rachel and think of her each and every day. But we don’t question why God chose to call her home. 

Carol and I both are most grateful for the work we get to do in our careers. For a year-and-a-half now, I haven’t cussed the alarm clock, I feel my work here is a mission and I am dedicated to making the radio station a trusted part of your daily life. I know each and every voice you hear on these airwaves feels exactly the same way. We are thankful for you and your support of our efforts.

I worked with academics who could argue the true meaning of the first Thanksgiving ad nauseum. Let them. For me, this is the day of the year when  I count my blessings.

There are many..


  1. I'm grateful for messages that are not meant to divide. ;)

    Meanwhile, at our southern border:


    2. Sad that we are so aginst immigrants when this country was built by them.

  2. I feel sad that there are so many familes who cant afford Thanksgiving dinner . Im grateful that there are people out there who are sticking up for the seperated and downtrodden.
