Tuesday, December 3, 2019

A Christmas Carol

Sunday morning, before church, I was at a local storage unit.  I was there, under protest, loading Christmas decorations and maybe four trees. Yeah, four trees.

You see, I’m married to the Christmas Carol. That’s what I call her. She loves Christmas and Christmas decorations. I don’t.

While we moved back here over a year-and a half-ago, we still have not assimilated the holiday decorations into our house. I’m not confident we ever will. Sunday I filled a pick-up and a SUV with storage containers…then lifted them to the porch where they will be systematically strewn about our home.

For about 30 days, the house is transformed into a festive showplace. I have to expect it is for my wife’s sole benefit since we never have anyone over….and we never host the celebration of the holiday….which is odd since none of the homes where we celebrate are anywhere near as decorated as ours.

Don’t get me wrong. I am a fan of Christmas. Love the music…understand the reason or the season….enjoy giving and receiving gifts….really like the receiving part most. Anyone who tells you different, isn’t telling you the truth.

So, between now, and around Christmas Eve, I’ll be watching TV in the evenings while my wife puts up decorations and trees. Then between about New Year’s and mid-January, she takes them down, puts them in a packing crate and I take them back out to a storage unit south of town for about 11 months. Then it starts all over again.

What a curious waste of time.

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