Thursday, November 21, 2019

Focus On The Weapon

I don’t watch the NFL. Too many people taking knees…too many franchises lying and cheating their way to riches. But I did catch, on the news, the incident involving Cleveland Browns defensive end Myles Garrett, who ripped off the helmet of Steeler Quarterback Mason Rudolph and used it to bludgeon him. 

Garrett was suspended indefinitely without pay. And I am incensed.
Watch the replay. Garrett rips off the helmet, holds it over his head and swings it down violently hitting the unprotected quarterback right over the top of the head. It’s a wonder it didn’t kill him.

Everyone could see it. In front of a national television audience…..

Clearly, it wasn’t Garrett’s fault. It was the helmet’s fault.

We must rid all football of the scourge of helmets if we are going to make the country safe again. As for Garrett, he should be absolved of any wrongdoing in this one. We don’t have to worry about his intent….if he is crazy or has severe anger issues because it wasn’t his fault.

We clearly need some form of helmet-control. In fact, if Beto O’Rourke was still in the presidential race, I’d expect him to announce he was coming for all of the headwear in professional sports. Got to take those batting helmets away from the Cubs before someone gets hurt.

Yes. A ridiculous argument today on the commentary. Equally as ridiculous as it is to dismiss the people pulling the trigger with handguns, rifles and other weapons. When you only blame the weapon and not the crazy using it to hurt and kill people, you have completely missed the point.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I wanted to edit my comment and it didn't allow it, so I deleted it and put it up fresh.

  2. NOONE only blames the weapon.

    However, the US has no storage laws at all. Police do not enter a residence to ensure proper storage here. This is common practice in many countries and prevents much of the black market gun running resulting from theft. I would imagine this stops a lot of crime from ever beginning due to folks being unable to arm themselves because they fear inviting cops into their homes.

    We allow states to set their own gun regulations. This is foolish. It makes control impossible.

    We do not have a federal database of all sold weaponry that makes it possible to document exactly where all weapons come from when connected to crimes.

    We allow weapons that aren't meant for hunting or protection to be sold to kids and irresponsible people. Etc (and I can list more reasons why your argument is empty).

    I'll address the kneeling now. If you don't understand why Kaep was kneeling, YOU ARE NOT A PATRIOT. If you claim to be a patriot, gain some understanding. He knelt because cops are killing 1100 per year and that number happens to directly correlate to the # of guns on the street (which are on the street due to our lax gun laws ๐Ÿ™„).

    1. Also, I apparently didn't retype that it seems important to point out that helmets are not designed to kill people. Quite the opposite. While I agree that Garrett is responsible for his own actions, it is not a surprise at all that Rudolph is fine. Had it been a gun, he'd likely be dead.

      Some folks like to embrace the argument that cars aren't designed to kill people to excuse not having reasonable gun regulation. I'd like to point out how heavily regulated cars are, and how you cannot drive your AR an hour from an economically recessed area to work.

    2. you completely miss the point that you make against yourself. It doesn't matter what weapon is used, if the intent Is there, it can kill. Gun or helmet, it doesn't matter. If he wanted to keep swinging, he could have killed. And guess what, those people that have bad intentions don't follow any laws. They could care less. So by your plan of gun control, you would take away constitutional rights of all the good people so that they are unable to protect themselves from the people that could care less about your new laws to begin with. Why cant people see that it is a heart issue. If someone wants to do harm, they will do it. They don't need a gun to do it. But the awesome thing about our founding fathers is that they provided a way for us to protect ourselves from those people and people like you who would take that right away!

    3. "Heart issue" ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


    Start watching at 3:00 in

  4. I think all of you missed the satire here

    1. A weak argument using satire is just a weak argument
