Thursday, October 31, 2019

Locked And Loaded

I haven’t seen anyone on the left stand up to take on Dave Chappelle. Where’s the righteous indignation for his comments Sunday night at the Mark Twain awards where the comedian was honored for his career work.

Here’s what Chappelle said:
“The First Amendment is first for a reason. Second amendment is just in case the First one doesn’t work out.”

I couldn’t say it better.

Chappelle was railing about what he termed the “Cancel Culture.” Also known as the call-out…or outrage culture. It’s a form of public shaming which aims to hold individuals accountable for their words….usually on social media. That behavior might be merely spouting a view which runs counter to popular social opinion. I have found that liberals love to kill the messenger…especially if the message is conservative.

Chappelle’s monologue hit the mark. The cancel culture not only has promoted shaming…it has killed comedy.

What was further remarkable about his comments, were Chappelle’s reference to guns. It might have been said as a joke, but no truer words were ever spoken.

We probably don’t share many of the same opinions, Dave Chappelle and yours truly. But, we can agree on this-----Everybody has the right to speak their minds as protected in the Bill of Rights. We also have the right to own and use firearms.

I bet the comedian is pleased to know……we are on the same page….wrapped in the pages of the Constitution of the United States.

Locked..and loaded.

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