Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Our Jobs....Our Life.

I took note of many of the things said about the life of George H. W. Bush as statesmen, celebrities and even family members eulogized him. He died at the age of 94.

The perpetual theme was his energy, his zest for life. He went skydiving when he was 90. He kept busy and he was involved in all of his family’s endeavors.

I’m no different than anyone else…I hope to live to a ripe old age.

I want to see my grandchildren have children.  But what I took away from the life of the 41st president was….when the quality of his life diminished….when the people that made him happy left…when his ability to make a difference ended...he bravely accepted it was his time.

My father had a Sunday morning radio program right up to his death at the age of 82. He lived to do that program----planned and recorded it all week. When he found himself incapable of doing the show well, he struggled for a brief bit and then just faded away. His purpose left.  He didn’t accept his fate well.

Our lives are defined by our passions. Bush 41 left the White House and immediately dove into at least eight different service projects including “Save the Children” and disaster relief. He was active and made a difference until he lost his wife and ultimately lost his health. One came before the other.

The lesson is clear. Continue to contribute and your life continues to have meaning. Never really retire. Just change vocations. Learn. Continue to develop. It’s really quite simple if you buy into our work being our life.

Find something to work on. Make a difference and the next thing you know, you’ll be dancing at your grandson’s wedding.


  1. Thank You Mike...
    What A Great Message...
    I Needed That Today...
    Merry Christmas My Friend... "May The Good Lord Richly Bless You & Your Family"
    Eric +

  2. After looking around the restaurant at all the widows and a few men, Dr. Konarski said "Retirement is what kills you. Women never retire!"
