Friday, September 20, 2019

Walk Away

I’m not much of a war hawk.

So, I don’t understand news stories describing our government’s reaction to a cruise and drone missile attack on Saudi Arabian oil fields. What makes this our business?

Our secretary of state has said we “stand with Saudi Arabia” and described the attack as an act of war. It certainly might be----but if indeed it was a military strike from Iran on Saudi oil facilities----then it was not an act of war on the United States.

I’m all for choking the life out of Iran with sanctions---and I would even mess with their cyber facilities. But I have an extreme discomfort in using our military assets to start what could become a long and costly Middle East war. It is a tinderbox.

We have our own oil. We are less dependent on Middle East oil than we have been in decades. If you don’t know, Saudi Arabia is a totalitarian monarchy which embraces the Qur’an as a constitution and Islamic law. The way they treat women is abysmal.
There are so many potential hot spots in our world. North Korea comes to mind. Places where our military’s use could be justified. But I don’t think it is to defend a country that most certainly had a role in the 9-11 attacks on our own country. Lest we forget that 15-of-the-19 attackers on that perilous day in our history were citizens of Saudi Arabia.

So, why are we considering a response to last week’s strike on oil fields like it was an attack on America? You’ve got me.

As far as I’m concerned, the King and Crown Prince can fend for themselves.


  1. Mike, I could not possibly agree with you more on this matter. This is NOT our fight. The Saudis are NOT our friends, and never have been. Our only true friends in the Middle East are the Israelis, and the Saudis would gladly wipe Israel from the map, if they could. Pompeo needs to rethink this and stay as far away from this potential quagmire as we we can.
