Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Explanation, Please

A wrong was committed last week by the Illinois Association of Agricultural Fairs board of directors….one that requires an explanation.

The board decided to relieve the reigning Miss Illinois County Fair Queen of her crown. Her parents believe it is because she decided to enter the U.S. Army Reserve at the tail end of her reign.  If that is the reason, I am shocked and greatly disappointed.
It seems that Alexi Bladel of Rockford was told she would not be allowed to participate in the January pageant where her successor will be crowed.

A spokesperson for the board says it has nothing to do with the Army…but if the only reason why Bladel was stripped of her crown was because she was not able to cut a ribbon at some pumpkin festival…there needs to be a prompt reversal of this decision.
Some lawmakers are chiming in to support the Rockford queen. Representative Joe Sosnowski says Bladel fulfilled her responsibilities this summer traveling across the state to county fairs, promoting Illinois agriculture. He believes she is being unduly punished for her decision to enlist.  He says she should be allowed to participate in the January pageant as the final event of her reign.

This story got a lot of attention late last week and the Fair Board tried to douse it Saturday when they said she could keep her title…but wasn’t welcome to crown her successor in January.

I’m having a rough time believing her decision to serve her country is behind her ouster. But, until someone speaks up for the Fair Board, that is what we are left to surmise. The board refuses to give a reason, citing privacy. Bladel’s family says the only reason is her service to her country.

In the immortal words of Ricky Ricardo----“better start splaining.”

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