Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Hill Goes Out Blazing

California Congresswoman Katie Hill went out with a fiery farewell last week, only days after being literally “exposed” for highly questionable behavior. Instead of quietly drifting off the radar, Hill alleged it was all part of a right wing media plan to expand their audience.

You have to give her this----she knows how to drive clicks on the Internet.

It was unmistakably Hill huffing on a bong, naked, with a German tattoo…messing with a staff member. The images were so shocking that her party threw her overboard faster than they did Al Franken. Nobody lifted a finger to help her.

Hill went out calling it the “dirtiest gutter politics I’ve ever seen,” and alleging a double standard for women in Congress.

If you are too stupid….or high…to prevent getting caught photographed in the act, don’t lay it off on Republican bloggers. Besides, your former husband was probably the person who leaked the images ….not conservatives.

Hill says her inappropriate relationship happened before the election, not while she was in office. But we will never see her evidence. She resigned like Franken before her. No fight. Just the suggestion of a red conspiracy to discredit her.

I don’t care about how she identifies herself. Don’t care about the bong or even her interesting body art. I do care that she identifies herself as a victim. Especially during an era when the #metoo movement has castigated several powerful men for preying on less powerful women in their employ.

She is accused of having an affair with her male legislative director and paying him a large bonus.

Where’s the double standard?

Instead of fighting the charges, she folded.

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