Thursday, August 22, 2019

Showing Up

I once served as a member of the city council in my hometown. It isn’t an easy job. And, unless I heard from people in town, I made decisions based on my own values and sensibilities.

It also had an impact on me when I saw people in attendance at the meetings. That doesn’t happen much in Fairfield. Some of the loudest critics of the sitting city council are nowhere to be found when the gavel hits the table.

I don’t make every meeting----but I’m there often enough to take notice. The most opinionated voices in this town have never darkened the door.

For a moment, let me say that I have admired some of the latest actions by the city council. The addition of a new liquor ordinance will allow places like the new Victorian on Main to have wine tastings without violating the antiquated old law. The council has aggressively studied the city’s flooding issues.  They have granted the use of golf carts and side-by-sides.

They are considering a Municipal Court which could be the key in cleaning up embarrassing properties by making short shrift of the legal process to force the hand of property owners.

 It is encouraging to see the city council move swiftly on some matters. There are other issues that need their action.

You know, I show up right before the meeting because I always know I can find a empty seat.

 I find it interesting that the loudest critics on-line can’t put their keyboard down long enough, can’t turn off their TVs, can’t seem to find an hour in their busy schedules to watch their elected representatives at work. 

So I watch them for you.


  1. A Drunkards Dream
    Seems like your all for alcohol, according to your blog and I quote "The addition of a new liquor ordinance will allow places like the new Victorian on Main to have wine tastings without violating the antiquated old law". According to the website An estimated 88,0008 people (approximately 62,000 men and 26,000 women8) die from alcohol-related causes annually, making alcohol the third leading preventable cause of death in the United States. Meanwhile Let's look up the deaths caused by cannabis or as you reefer madness junkies like to call it marijuana, reefer , or whatever you call it . None 0 nada nil. so according to the facts and I have talked with other parents . I know alot of people who would rather have someone smoke cannabis than have them drink .
    News Flash if you dont like it dont smoke it the same as cigarettes . sounds to me like your biased attitude is showing, or maybe you just sharing a drunkards dream.
    This is the Gentleman Outlaw signing off.

  2. It is 2019 not 1993. The internet and social media have created a platform for both social and civic change. Our community should embrace the change it brings. Not turn our noses up at people that use it to voice their opinions. Their opinions are obviously getting through or this article wouldn't have been written. Now if the council could catch up with the times by live streaming their meetings.
