Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Bring Back "Yard Of The Month"

Have you taken a ride around Fairfield these days?

Do it and take note of the yards. There are some that are absolutely embarrassing. Overgrown, pocked with junk, simply an unsightly mess.

It never was that way. It doesn’t have to stay that way.

I have a simple proposal. In fact, it isn’t even an original idea. It steals from our past. I remember breaking my back to win the “Yard of The Month” award, formerly named on a monthly basis by the Greater Fairfield Chamber of Commerce.

It doesn’t require anything but a little effort. The way I remember the program, a committee toured town monthly and ranked the yards. A winner was named and a coveted yard sign proclaiming the “Yard of The Month’ went to somebody. The announcement was shared with the radio station and the newspaper….Pictures were taken and news stories lauded the winner.

It was a small thing but it sure captured my attention. Don’t ever think I got one vote for my house on West Douglas, but I mowed and trimmed and planted hoping one day that sign would be mine.

It takes five anonymous retired folks willing to volunteer on a beautification committee, a little leadership and a sign. I think the media participation is a given. It is a small step….but it is a step in the right direction.

Can’t we make this happen?


  1. Let's try most improved yard. Maybe that will get people to take some pride in their yards that previously didn't care.

  2. The people with yards like you mentioned are not going to change just because of the chance to win a yard of the month sign.
