Wednesday, August 7, 2019

RINOs Don't Like Our Choices

Jim Edgar never saw a tax increase he didn’t like…He is the father of the current retirement fund crisis…and he thinks downstate needs to do a better job in electing our state representatives.

In an obvious slam against Representative Darren Bailey, Edgar was asked by a TV reporter his best advice to people supporting Illinois separation and getting something done about the state’s miserable financial condition and bankrupt pension system…. 
Edgar said, “maybe you (meaning downstaters) don’t elect the right people.”

Really? Edgar, the poster boy for the Illinois RINOs (Republicans in Name Only), was personally responsible for a law which has cost the state’s taxpayers $25 billion dollars in the last 47 years by changing the pension rules for teachers and administrators. Understand, Edgar never worked in the private sector and makes over $300-thousand dollars a year…all from the state while retired.

He personally endorsed David Reis against Bailey and is probably worried that his native Coles County is about to lose a State Senate seat…a seat it has held for over six decades.

And oh, by the way, Edgar likes the job J. B. Pritzker has done in his first six months as Governor. He said so in the same interview. Pritzker is responsible for $2.1 billion dollars in new taxes last month. And that’s only the beginning.
Here’s what you simply must understand. Making deals with House Speaker Mike Madigan is what cost David Reis his seat. Nothing happens in Illinois unless Madigan wants it. Even Pritzker knows that.

There are eight downstate conservatives in the House who have refused to bend to Chicago values. That kills Democrats….and RINOs.  

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