Tuesday, August 6, 2019

The "A" Encyclopedia

So I went to Alaska. I’ve always loved Alaska.

It is the perfect “old guys” cruise. You don’t have to pull off your shirt on a beach, which would be appalling for most men of a certain age…..and I am that age.
“Seward’s Folly,”  a reference to William Seward, the Secretary of State who bought the territory for the US back in 1867. He was castigated by the pundits for the purchase. We spent $7.2 million dollars for Alaska. That’s 2-cents-per-acre….which sounds to me like a testament to the genius of Seward.

Reminds me of my first Christmas party as a young instructor at Lewis and Clark Community College, when I mixed it up with older, highly educated and much more sophisticated colleagues. I knew I was in trouble when I arrived at the party and could not recognize the food. Next, couples took turns singing holiday songs while their spouse accompanied them on the piano. I was way out of my league.

Then they broke into discussion groups and I wandered into the “world travel” group. Someone mentioned Alaska and I was all over it.

“Ah, Alaska,” I said. I then went on a ten-minute monologue about the state”s natural resources, chief exports…and finished with a description of the beautiful sunsets in Sitka. They were amazed. One professor said my knowledge of Alaska was impressive. He asked, “How many times have you been there?”

“Never,” I said. “When I was a kid my folks could only afford the “A” encyclopedia.”
As I walked away I threw down one more comment.

“If you want to know anything about Alabama or Arkansas, let me know.”

Don’t mind telling you---I was the talk of the party.

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