Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Stakes Are High

I found a fascinating post by a real-life millennial conservative that resonated with me over the weekend. Her name is Alyssa Ahlgren and she posted her thoughts while sitting in a coffee shop watching the world go by.

She defended democracy and capitalism and decried the socialists within her own generation for their shallow assessment of America. As she observed the things around her in the coffee shop----she witnessed people talking freely, working on their laptops and ordering food that appeared in an instant. It struck her that she was witnessing the byproduct of the most privileged era, in the most prosperous nation, in the world….and many her age are totally blind to it.

She points out our poverty line begins 31 times above the global average. We don’t know what poor is….She quotes Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortex saying that millennials “came of age and never saw American prosperity.” 

What? Look around. It’s staring you in the face. 

Ahlgren points out that 30-somethings don’t know what it's like to live without internet, without cars, without smartphones.

Alhgren concludes that the misguided idea of a socialist utopia threatens all our free market privileges and can undo what millions have died to achieve.

Millennials are becoming the largest voting bloc in the country and unfortunately, too few think the way Allyssa Ahlgren thinks. She fears…and I join her…that we can fall into “the trap of entitlement and relapse into restrictive socialist destitution.”

Tall stakes, indeed.


  1. Millennials are becoming the largest voting block in the country. Fortunately for the rest of us, they don’t turn out to vote. They are too busy looking at their smart phones, drinking their lattes, etc to notice how rotten America has become.

  2. Uh...It's "Cortez", not "Cortex"
