Tuesday, April 30, 2019

"It doesn't sound good"

If there is an issue that illustrates the great divide between liberals and conservatives, it could the common sense matter of felon voting rights.

In the United States, only two states allow convicted felons to vote from prison. They are Maine and Vermont. And so it doesn’t really surprise me that Bernie Sanders---from Vermont--- is just fine with allowing folks into the polls like the guy convicted of perpetrating the Boston Marathon terrorist bombing, killing three and injuring dozens of others. No, really.

The bomber will never see the light of day….but Sanders thinks the radical terrorist should be extended the right to vote in local, state and national elections. Bernie also likes giving the right to child molesters…

Even Joy Behar of “The View” had to swallow hard on that one. She said, “it doesn’t sound good.” That’s the first time Behar and I have been on the same page for a long, long time.

Look, I’m good with restoring voting to felons who have served their time. Truly, at that point they have served their debt to society. But giving a radicalized terrorist or a pervert the ability to cancel out my vote while they are in the slammer….is….absolutely the sickest liberal joke I’ve ever heard.

Only three states----Kentucky, Virginia and Iowa, permanently revoke a person’s right to vote based on a felony conviction. In Illinois, once you get out of prison, you can vote. As I said, I’m OK with that.

Just remember, Bernie Sanders is fine with giving someone like David Berkowitz, the Son of Sam murderer, a vote in the 2020 presidential election….despite the fact he made sure six people will never vote again. Behar is right—it doesn’t sound good.

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