Monday, March 2, 2020

Quietly Releasing Illegals

There has been a change in policy concerning the release of illegal aliens from our state prisons. It will get someone hurt….I’m convinced.

The Governor has changed a longstanding practice which apprised local law enforcement and federal immigration enforcement personnel when an illegal alien felon was about to be released from Illinois’ correction system. The Governor has quietly changed that practice and some in law enforcement are understandably not pleased.

Previously, undocumented felons were held until ICE was notified and their immigration status could be reviewed. One sheriff, in Livingston County, sounded off last week when he found out dangerous felons were being released into his county without notice, coordination or even a courtesy call to local law enforcement.

Let’s look at the numbers last year. Of the 223 inmates completing their terms, 36 had been convicted for sexual offenses against a minor…11 for murder, attempted murder or intent to kill…19 for predatory criminal sexual assault ..and 33 were released after serving terms for a criminal offense involving a weapon.

A spokesperson for the Governor says J. B. Pritzker will be a firewall against attacks on immigrant communities.

What about my community? …What about the safety of the legal citizens of this state?

This policy will get someone raped, assaulted or murdered by a felon who had no business breaching the border of our country to begin with….

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