Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Mom And Pop Never Had A Prayer

In October of last year I attended a Cisne Village Board meeting. I heard they were giving money to a contractor who was going to build a new Dollar General in town.

They did….voting 5-1 to spend $30,000. I lamented the decision because corporations like Dollar General and Wal-Mart are crushing small town business. Yesterday afternoon, I visited Vicky Mugrage as she stood wearing a Cisne FFA hoodie at the cash register of Cisne Key Market. She’s been the owner since 1993.

At the end of the month, Cisne Key Market will close its doors for good. No more running tabs for people waiting for their social security check. No more donations from the downtown store for worthy civic causes.

Mugrage is clear, her decision was made the night the village board decided to give the handout to the people building the Dollar General. She’s both angry and sad. 

Contents will be auctioned in May.

Meanwhile, ground has been broken out on the highway for the new Dollar General. Mugrage knew it was impossible to compete with a business that buys bread and milk by the truckload….and sell it cheaper than she could. There will be some that say this is a good thing. Lower prices. A Dollar General would have come eventually to Cisne. The stores are cropping up at every every wide spot in the road. I would probably agree.

But in this instance, the burr in my saddle is the $30,000 gift. 

It helped drive the nail in the front door of the Cisne Key Market.

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