Friday, November 22, 2019

Don't Just Show Up With Your Gun

Today begins the frenzied shotgun deer season here in southeastern Illinois and I have a few things to say to hunters.

First, stay off my property. Stay off any property that is not your own…You might have an agreement with a landowner to hunt, which is fine. But don’t set up shop without permission.

Second, if your wounded deer is able to get off the property, I certainly hope you have talked to the adjoining landowners. You have no rights when your wounded deer falls across the property line.  

If a conservation police officer is called into such a dispute, I guarantee they won’t force the landowner to allow you to trespass to get your deer. It’s their deer.  You’re just out of luck.

Respect purple paint. If you see it, you are trespassing. Turn around and leave.
I know for me, deer hunting season is something I prepare for all year long. My stands are moved about my property and I use cameras all year long to track deer activity. I look forward to this weekend and the second shotgun season in December.

 I will be in the trees….and I will be watching for activity around my property. No trespassing means just that. Stay on property you own, or, on property where you have recent permission. By the way, if you have permission, make sure the landowner isn’t going to be surprised when you bring along Bud, Jim and Shooter. Permission doesn’t give you the right to fill the trees.

Here’s to safety ropes in the deer stands and everyone wearing orange…and a safe first weekend of shotgun deer season.

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