Monday, August 12, 2019

Patti On Parade

I’m already on the record as being against a pardon or a commutation for former Illinois Governor Rob Blagojevich.

He never struck me as the sharpest tool in the shed…and while the President considers letting him out of prison, his wife is not sitting at home keeping a low profile. She is wallowing in the spotlight. On Saturday, Patti, rode in a convertible in a Chicago parade with the Reverend Jesse Jackson. The minister is one of the prime proponents of the “Free Blago” movement.

It’s the kind of thing you’d expect of the wife of a Governor convicted of putting the Senate seat of then-President Barack Obama on the market to the highest bidder.
Fortunately, even if he gets out of the last seven years of his 14-year sentence, we will not have to deal with him ever showing up in state government again. The Democratic controlled Illinois General Assembly took the extra step of barring him  from ever serving in state government again. That’s what they thought of their disgraced Governor. They impeached him, then drove a stake though the heart of him ever embarrassing them again.

I suspect the White House thinks commuting Blago’s sentence, thus leaving him a felon, is threading the needle and more acceptable than an outright pardon.

I disagree.

The criminal stupidity of Rob Blagojevich, not only embarrassed his party, it made Illinois the butt of hundreds of jokes.

But it doesn’t seem to be a problem for his wife. She’s available for parades, bar mitzvahs…and ribbon-cuttings.

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