Monday, July 1, 2019

One Year Anniversary

This week marks my one-year anniversary as the General Manager of WFIW-WOKZ. It doesn’t seem like a year. I’ve learned a great deal over the last 12 months….so let me recap:

I do not believe the news has been better here since the station was put on the air in 1953. I attribute that to the hiring of Jeff Vaughan and the re-hiring of Deron Caudle. Their use of newsmaker audio and the contributions of people like Ken Otey and Mark Curtis make our news timely and accurate.

I decided early on that we did not have to be funny. But we needed to be interesting. It certainly helps to have seasoned veterans like Mark Turner and Tom Lavine who work hard and fit that criteria. You throw in Derek Dunn, who seems to be everywhere and who mans our robust social media arm and you have quality and depth. Dave Rigg is the voice of Edwards County sports and responsible for expanded and marvelous religious music programming.

You team Jeff Murphy with ambitious newcomers like Libby Lingafelter and Denise Ann Walker and you have a first line marketing team. They are highly trained and poised to handle on-air, on-line, direct mail and digital marketing for area businesses.
Vicky Strange is a stabilizing force in the front office and loves this radio station.
I was so very fortunate to lure Dave Land out of retirement for the first six months of my return to help show me the ropes. He is a dear friend and kept me out of trouble. …sometimes.

Carol and I came home one year ago today….and that is the way the rest of the employees of this radio station see their job. They all live here. They all know the tradition and the significance of this operation. 

We want to constantly improve Every single day.

1 comment:

  1. Great to have you back home. Congratulations to you and your staff---the radio station has improved tremendously.
