Friday, June 14, 2019


This weekend is Father's Day.

I think it is a shame how mass media depicts fatherhood. In fact, I think it is actually harmful.

Jim Tierny of the New York Times asks the question: He points out that most millennial fathers spend twice as much time with their kids than the previous generation. And yet, when we turn on the tube we get fathers like Ray Romano, Tony Soprano, Homer Simpson and a host of latter day incompetents mucking up the family unit.

Susan Goldberg writes, "The image of the foolish dad supports anti-dad and anti-male stereotypes that are far too pervasive in popular culture"....she thinks it negatively impact parents an children alike.

My dad wasn't perfect but he provided protection, economic support and modeled the typical post World War II fathering style that was significantly different than my mother's parenting. I know I benefited from that contrast taking things from both of my parents that helped me in life.

Please do not misinterpret my words. I have empathy and support single parents. I'm just greatly concerned that we have made a not-so-funny caricature of the role of American father.

I have three sons and I'm sure I made plenty of mistakes, But it wasn't for lack of time, effort and affection. I have always been demonstrative in my love to my boys---which was something previous generations didn't master.

Any fool can make a baby. But I think it takes a real man to nurture a child and be a father. It that describes your dad---thank him this weekend.

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