Friday, April 26, 2019

"All Things Will Pass"

I think the governor of Illinois has something to worry about.

Word leaked this week of a federal probe into a clear attempt by J.B. Pritzker and his wife to cheat on their property taxes by pulling five toilets from their Chicago mansion and claiming the residence was uninhabitable.

When they did that, they got out of $330,000 in taxes. This, despite the fact, that the Pritzkers are worth over $3-billion dollars.

I couldn’t help from laugh at the Governor’s comments, when asked about “toiletgate.”
He said, and I quote, “all these things will pass.” Actually, they won’t.

This isn’t some shmuck operation from the Cook county prosecutor, the same lady who let Jesse Smollet off the hook. This is a federal probe. Pritzker might want to sweat this.

All this while the Governor is pushing hard for a new tax structure for all of us.

It’s hard to fathom the height of hypocrisy in proposing a change in how we pay taxes claiming it goes after the top 3-percent of the earners when you were pulling your plumbing to get out of paying your fair share of taxes…

Pritzker needs to be worried. Party loyalists can’t get him out of this. Federal prosecutors can make him Rod Blagojevich’s roommate. That isn’t the Hyatt.
Our state has a shameful history with our chief executives…from both political parties.

And the beat goes on…

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