Friday, March 22, 2019

Dead Men Don't Argue

I have a few rules in my life as a commentator.

Don’t make things personal. Never get into a running debate. Make your point and move on…And finally….leave the dead alone. They can’t fight back.

I think the president would be served by adopting my rules. His recent attacks on the memory of Senator John McCain are cringe-worthy.

I didn’t agree with the Senator on many things including his vote which saved Obamacare…or his role in giving the FBI a dossier of unverified information compiled by a former British spy and paid for by the Clinton campaign. 

I understand why it irritates the commander-in-chief. But….you can’t be slamming a dead war hero in front of a military audience. That happened this week in Ohio
McCain was shot down over North Viet Nam. He was taken to the infamous Hanoi Hilton and tortured. Because his father was a general, he was offered release by his captors….but he refused. That was, in my view, a supreme act of honor and duty.

You can’t be bashing the memory of an American hero….even if you didn’t agree with him. Even if you believe he turned over a bogus file to the FBI on you.
Dead men can’t defend themselves.

I won’t detail the things I like about the president here. I will say his use of social media and his micro-thin skin are faults that diminish his stature.

I was never in sync with Senator McCain.  But I am totally in sync with his service  to the United States Navy and the price he paid as a prisoner of war.

Now, let’s move on…


  1. Great commentary. But.............McCain was in the Navy, not the Air Force.

    L. Bryan Williams

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
