Thursday, February 7, 2019

When You Say Bud

I don’t drink much beer. I’m not a prude or a teetotaler ----just not much of a drinker.
But I have followed the controversy created by the brewers of Bud Light. They pulled the stupidest stunt in advertising history during the Super Bowl. They went out of their way to hack off corn growers.

A Bud Light commercial claimed proudly it was the first major beer to dump corn syrup from the brewing process. The other two major brewers, Miller and Coors use corn.  Of course the Busch family in St. Louis once owned the company but sold it to a Belgian-Brazilian brewing giant for $52-billion dollars back in 2006.

I went to grad school in St. Louis and my classmates who worked at AB referred to Busch as Brothers, Uncles, sons, cousins and half-brothers----Anheuser Busch was a family operation. Not anymore. 

In fact it is hard to find any beer company on the market owned by American interests. Miller, while based in Milwaukee, is owned by a South African company and I can’t seem to find a definitive answer to Coors.

In response to Bud Light’s anti-corn message, the vice president of the National Corn Growers shared a video of himself pouring Bud Light down a drain. His words were succinct---if the brewer is not standing with corn growers----they are not standing with Bud.

Who is the marketing genius who came up with this campaign? What possible advantage is there in hacking off farmers? None---this is the duckhead move of someone sitting in a Belgium…or Brazilian board room.

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