Monday, November 12, 2018

County Red Wave Ignored White's Legacy

One of the interesting sidelights to the recent mid-term elections was the candidacy of Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White.

Democrats did very well in the statewide election and not so well in Wayne County. But among the statewide candidates, I find it hard to believe that White didn’t win Wayne County. He didn’t come close---but he was the leader among Democrats in garnering local ballots.

Here’s why I like White.

He has done the job since 1999 and is remarkably sharp at the age of 84. And he has done so without using his office as a jumping point towards higher office. Secretary of State used to be the office to launch a future campaign for Governor---I cite Jim Edgar and George Ryan as examples.

Here is another reason why White is so popular and respected. None of us like making the trip to the DMV---the secretary of state’s office---to get our driver’s license renewed---or in my most recent case----to get my car fitted with new Illinois plates to replace Missouri plates.

Historically, I have been treated poorly in DMV offices in Texas and Missouri. Not the case here. There was a minimal wait, the employees were respectful, courteous and helpful. Those are traits that I don’t often associate with a visit to the DMV.
That starts at the top. White has clearly made customer service a priority for his employees and I respect that---and rewarded that---with my vote.

I understand the red wave that has consumed Wayne County politics.

I do not understand how nearly 70-percent of the locals didn’t vote for Jesse White.


  1. Thanks for the wise comments Mike Dreith. Again, understanding the dangers of We the People turning into We the Sheeple by focussing our political anger incorrectly and voting “straight ticket” at the polls.

    That’s not “voting”; that’s just mindlessly rubber-stamping one party’s mindless babble and brain control of those too ignorant and too lazy to learn about the candidates and where they stand.

    Despite leaving Illinois more than 25 years ago, it’s forever my State of birth and I’m concerned about it’s future and direction; I also have friends and relatives there and feel sorry that most candidates of both political parties their citizens have to choose from become are puppets that are little more than shades of the same cess pool.

    Secretary of State Jesse White appears to be the kind of public servant we all need more of despite which party he has chosen to side with. Clearly, he chooses the Democratic party in an overwhelmingly Liberal state to increase his chances of election and re-election. But he has clearly demonstrated he chooses to operate his office - Secretary of State - for the benefit of the citizens of Illinois - ALL of them - instead of for his personal benefit.

    He deserved a better turn-out in Wayne County than he received. Had I been living in Illinois - and a former Republican now registered as “Independent” - he would have got my vote. He deserved it.

    People, voting is important. Don’t just do it to brag that you did. Learn about who’s the best person for the job, not the quickest and easiest way to get in and out of your polling place.

    Tom Hodge, FCHS ‘65
    Lincoln County, North Carolina
