Monday, December 27, 2010

Hef's a Twit

Just not an experienced Tweeter….but then I am a digital immigrant….not a digital native like my kids.

But I was stunned to learn two facts this week. One-----Hugh Hefner is a Twitter-holic…and two….he used the social streaming network to announce he is walking down the aisle once again. This time he’s marrying a 23-year-old playmate. Remember, Hef is 84.

He said the playmate, Crystal Harris, cried when he broke the question. He reportedly didn’t get on one knee for fear that he would break a hip.

Here’s the reported series of Tweets from the founder of Playboy and Viagra-addict: I have added my thoughts after each Tweet in parenthesis…..
— Dec. 24: "Santa brought me Crystal Harris. I couldn't be happier."
(This makes Kris Kringle sound like he is running an escort service on the side)
— Dec. 25: "After the movie tonight, Crystal & I exchanged gifts. I gave Crystal a ring. A truly memorable Christmas Eve." (Crystal got an attorney immediately working on a pre-nup)
— Dec. 25: "When I gave Crystal the ring, she burst into tears. This is the happiest Christmas weekend in memory." (He can’t even remember last week…much less past Christmases)
— Dec. 25: "I got what I was hoping for for Christmas ... Crystal's love." (And he could use a walker, a seat for the shower and some valium for the Hefner kids from his 1950’s marriage)
— Dec. 26: "Yes, the ring I gave Crystal is an engagement ring. I didn't mean to make a mystery out of it. A very merry Christmas to all." (No mystery here….Didn’t think he would invest in a “Let’s Go Steady” ring at this point in his life)
— Dec. 27: "This has been a perfect Christmas weekend. Now it's time to stop tweeting & say goodnight. Sweet dreams." (Except for the twelve times he will have to go to the bathroom before the morning of the 28th)
Oh, and Hef also dropped in some gift ideas — like a hard drive containing every issue of his magazine. He’ll need to keep the hard drive.
My wife is three years younger than me….which is just the right number of years between a husband and wife…in my humble opinion. I tweet to remind people when I am on my radio show or if there is a new blog posted. This whole Hef revelation reminded me of something my mom once told me-----
There’s no fool like an old fool.
I hope Crystal gets paid well for her decision. These Spring-Late, late, late Winter relationships don’t usually end well.
Google “Anna Nicole.”
Nuff Said.

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