Monday, October 5, 2020

Empty Pews


Fairfield is a town strong on faith. There has always been a sense of obligation to be in the pews on Sunday mornings. That sense of belonging to a church home is at risk as the  virus continues its assault.

The attendance issue is in no way scientifically arrived at…I have been merely asking around. The stay-at-home order disrupted the practice of church attendance…and the best I can determine….it has affected many of our houses of worship.

So why is that important?

Many have been re-trained to watch live streaming of church services. That’s fine but when there is no way to “pass the plate,” there’s no way to pay the bills. Many denominations already face budget shortages and program cancellations due to emptying pews.

There was already a generational pull away from church. Younger families now have an excuse not to scrub and dress the kiddos for church. They could honestly feel they are protecting their kids by not taking them.

Beyond shrinking congregations, pandemic-linked defections could also signal a broader decline in Christian behavior. Some ministers fear the lack of a sense of community could prompt spiritual amnesia. Christians simply not reminded each week to live a life filled with generosity, love, respect, hope and peace.

This is no small issue in a town like Fairfield. I fear it could have an equally harmful impact on our local culture.

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