One by one----every one of my most cherished vices are being stripped from me. By the Health Nazi…Doctor Death….my personal guru of svelte…..
I continue to be a loyal minion of my health leader because despite my poor choices, I have turned five pounds of fat into muscle and feel better than I have felt in years. But there appears to be no justice in this world of fitness. Yesterday he sent me an e-mail saying that Diet Coke was not a good choice….and today, after admitting last night to him that my beverage of choice was V-8 Fusion Light….he peed all over it.
I have turned my back on red meat because of the Health Nazi. No hamburgers…no steaks…all chicken and fish. I am man, hear me roar. I am a carnivore. Meat is primal….and I have gone cold cow (I do eat turkey).
But this beverage fiasco has me chafed. I have to drink something other than water. I am now scared to mention that I love a good cup of coffee in the morning for fear that he will find some definitive study that shows coffee makes your thighs plump. Loose lips sink ships. I will hurt anyone who casually mentions my love of coffee to the Nazi. I’m warning you. I will not give up my morning joe.
So now I have revealed to him of my former love and rejection of Diet Coke. This morning, after being queried about V-8 Fusion Light, I did my research and came to the realization that it is a little too high in sugar…a little too low in fiber….and certainly had too much sugar.
Damn. I hate it when he is right.
So now I plead with you, my friends….what the Hell can I drink? Please send me a suggestion or two. Don’t bother if your only suggestion is H2O.
By the way, I haven’t had but one beer in two months…and only an occasional wine. Those are non-negotiable as well. I will drink them occasionally. If water is my only option, I promise to drink them more than occasionally as I try to blot out this liquid crisis.
Wine should be fine, in moderation... There are SEVERAL studies that sstate red wine is great for you.
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like you need to look into juicing... using raw fruits and vegetables in a juicer and mixing things up. That should be a perfectly acceptable option...
Personally, I'm kinda digging smoothies...