Friday, October 2, 2020

PaintOut Persevered

 A week ago I lamented the cancel culture. The need to take events and put them on-line or simply cancelling them instead of smartly making them safe.

That brings me to the Fairfield PaintOut and the organizing committee that persevered and figured out a way to make the event happen despite a worldwide pandemic.

Tonight and tomorrow, in the open space of the Wayne County Fair’s Floral Hall, the PaintOut will happen as scheduled. That’s good news in an existence all-to-often punctuated with misery.

Instead of just cancelling, the PaintOut changed things up. Instead of having artists come to Fairfield to capture imagery….the idea was born to have photographs.. taken by locals…sent to 21 Midwest artists. They in turn committed  the images to canvas. Tonight you can see and purchase the work.

But this is a triumph as far as I’m concerned. I’ve seen some of the paintings. They are breathtaking and depict our way of life here in this community. They allow artists to practice their craft and profit from it.

I hope to see you there tonight. In doing so you are striking a blow against the cancel culture. You are taking a stand against those who would rather doom and Zoom instead of smartly being present.

My congratulations for the innovation and fortitude of the organizers of the Fairfield PaintOut.

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