Wednesday, August 1, 2018

The Fix Is In.

Let me just say it.

I can’t see a way to victory for the incumbent Illinois Republican Governor, Bruce Rauner.

It isn’t because he stupidly stood by a Chicago Mayoral candidate who was handing out cash at church. Not because he has gone back on his promises on several socially conservative causes since taking office….it isn’t even because he has been ineffective in leading a state so clearly on the verge of bankruptcy.

It’s a combination of all those things…and so much more. Bruce Rauner is in a two-on-one vice grip.

His opponent, Democrat J.B. Pritzker, has a valuable ally in his camp. His name is Sam McCann.  The Senator from Plainview is a third party “conservative” candidate who will surely peel Republican voters away from Rauner.

McCann is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

He is a shill. Follow the money. He has received considerable financial and legal support from a major union which has already endorsed Pritzker. In other words he has been put on the ballot to suck away conservative voters who could never see themselves voting for Pritsker.

McCann once claimed to be a former Marine. Not true and that tells me all I need to know about him. He can’t win but he will insure Rauner can’t win either.

Enter Governor Pritzker. I wish I was wrong. But I can’t see a way to victory for Bruce Rauner. And I see a nice job for McCann in the new Pritsker administration.
November is a long way off. But for Republicans and Bruce Rauner…..

It’s coming all too soon.

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