Thursday, August 2, 2018

Take A Knee

I was asked yesterday----what is my stand on the National Anthem. 
That’s easy….I stand. I look at the flag and I put my hand over my heart. 
That is what I was taught early in my life. And in turn, that is what I taught my kids. If you are at a ballgame and out to get a hot dog and making your way back to your seat, you stop. You don’t talk to your buddies when the anthem is being played. It is my fervent hope that those lessons are being passed on to the next generation of Dreiths, counting five in all. 
But I also believe in the First Amendment. If you want to kneel, I can only shake my head and ask----What are you protesting? What does the act represent, really? 
I’m willing to bet nine-of-ten professional athletes who take a knee or stay in the locker room, could not articulate their cause. They make millions of dollars because of the free society paid for by thousands of lives laid down in places like Normandy and Iwo Jima. 
If you think it is appropriate to take a knee while the rest of us hold the anthem and the flag in such reverence, take a few moments to articulate your cause. Tell me…or better yet….come in and take these two minutes away from me one morning and challenge my opinion. 
Because, while I think the constitution gives you the right to protest, I doubt very much you have either the intelligence or the courage to explain it to the rest of us. 
Take a knee on that. 

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