Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Gym For Rent

 The high stakes game of “chicken” continues in Illinois. At stake is whether or not high school basketball will be played starting in December or in the spring….or even at all.

The Illinois High School Association was prepared to start on December 1st with many safeguards designed to make the sport safer for athletes. They modeled their rules after what has happened in nearly every other Midwest state.

But the Governor thought differently. He ordered basketball season be kicked down the road until next calendar year. Now everybody has an opinion. Three state representatives including our own Darren Bailey issued a letter this week urging local school boards to make the decision.

That’s kind of a moot point. They will end up deciding---either with the IHSA or the Governor. Boards of education have to consult their insurance carriers and legal counsel to weigh the risk of going against J.B. Pritzker. It isn’t even known whether or not they could be  personally liable if someone got sick. Boards will most assuredly be skewered by parents and athletes for whatever they decide.

This will come to a head fast. Practice was supposed to start in less than two weeks. Special school board meetings will have to occur before. They will be heavily attended and emotional.

Here’s your sign…Central Illinois Catholic schools, Springfield and Chicago Public Schools have already weighed in. They aren’t playing.

…and that leads me to believe The Mule Barn will be silent this winter.

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