Wednesday, July 8, 2020

No Protection For George

I am so tired of the bogus debate that lingers about historical statues and vandals deciding to topple them, burn them and throw them into rivers. It doesn’t solve any of the problems we face as a people and it lends itself to race baiting and pandering.

The latest to jump on the wagon is the junior senator from Illinois….Tammy Duckworth. She decided over the weekend to say we “should listen to the argument for removing George Washington’s statues.”

The father of our country. George Washington. The first president.

Senator Duckworth would be open to the downing of Washington’s statues around the country. My God, where will this end?

Duckworth is positioning herself to be considered Joe Biden’s running mate.

For a moment, she should be lauded for her service to the country as a soldier, losing both of her legs in injuries suffered as a copter pilot. I do not question her patriotism or valor. She deserves respect. She doesn’t deserve being called silly and unimpressive. That was a mistake by a Fox News host that I won’t make.

I want to know why she would be open to the dismantling of George Washington statues. Even Biden says he would protect art depicting Washington, Jefferson and Columbus. That’s more than most Republicans are saying.

Here’s the real question for me: Who would Senator Duckworth rather see immortalized in a statue? I think that would tell me more about who she is…and whether she aligns with the values of the people she represents.

1 comment:

  1. Asking her who she would immortalize in a statue is a game of gotcha and you know it. Also, lived the talk of somebody starting a news channel that is just the facts. Good job admitting your limits as a "journalist" though, nobody actually thought you would be the one to try and do that.
