Friday, June 5, 2020

Just Walk Away

Marshall McLuhan suggested that technology is an extension of our senses. Any medium, constructed by humans, is really an extension of our central nervous system.

If that is the case….then Facebook is telling us we are heading for a collective nervous breakdown as a society. If indeed, social media is a mirror being held up to reflect society….we are in deep trouble.

I use as an example this commentary. Wednesday I did a piece on the Governor’s contractor which got posted to Facebook. It attracted 104 comments. One hundred-two of them had nothing to do with the commentary. Nothing. But the vitriol was real. The frustration palatable.

I have a piece of advice for you today. It is advice that I follow myself…
If my ramblings anger you, stop listening and reading them. Because that’s not my intent.  My purpose always is to make you think. I don’t live in the folly of believing everybody is going to agree with me.

I joined Facebook to keep track of my friends and family. They are spread all over the country….in Texas, Southern Illinois, Metro East and other places. I didn’t sign up for conflict. I have started to “unfollow” people whose posts anger me. They don’t even know it.

We are torn and frayed as a people. It is a logical byproduct of sequester and racial upheaval. You don’t need Facebook. You certainly don’t need me if I anger you.

Just walk away.


  1. You don't anger me, and I
    come around these parts because I like impacting lives for the better.

  2. Posting blogs like this is a two way street Mike. Telling people to walk away if they don't like it will only form your own echo chamber. You probably do want that, but if not, you have to encourage people who disagree with you to speak up. Because YOU need people to make you think and change your mind. You are not so far above us that you are beyond that. If you think you are, then you should stop these commentaries.

    1. The difference between you and me is this. I have the guts to put my name on everything I say. You don't.
