Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Rock The Box

I went to the polls this morning at 6:00 a.m. sharp. You should make it part of your plan today, unless you voted early.

If you are sick, you have an excuse….otherwise….you need to vote in today’s Illinois primary. That’s not just my opinion, it is the opinion expressed by the Wayne County Health Department Administrator Clark Griffith. I talked to him yesterday. He was crystal clear. We do not yet have one case of the coronavirus in Wayne County, or any surrounding county. County election officials say the voting machines will be continually wiped down throughout the day.

When you arrive, you will get choices. There are interesting races in both parties. On the Democratic side, one of the choices is for president and stakes are high. On the GOP side, there are plenty of interesting races for state rep, senate, congress and the judiciary.

Look, I’m being very careful about what I say concerning the pandemic. I have not chosen to second guess either the president or the governor on their emergency declarations. There are smarter people in government privy to more information than yours truly. Everybody has an opinion. I’ve heard a boatload of bellyaching over the last few days. You don’t like the way things are going?

George Jean Nathan said it best when he said….

“Bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote.”

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