Tuesday, February 4, 2020

The KYLPO Response

My dad was a cop. I grew up respecting his service….so…when I saw a post this weekend on Facebook, I found it rather hard to believe.

It was posted by a friend of the radio station and a local public official. It was a Facebook ad selling t-shirts for an organization called KYLPO, which stands for Kill Your Local Police Officer. The local folks were re-posting from a pro-police page.

The front of the shirt prominently displayed a pig’s head with the words “The only good cop is a dead cop.” I have my doubts concerning the authenticity of the organization and the actual t-shirt. I think it's probably a 26-year-old who delivers pizza and lives in his parent’s basement….. but that’s not the point.

Wayne County Board Member Kelli Shreve Locey sent a complaint to Facebook. So did Ken Otey. Both have family wearing shields.

Whether or not the post was authentic…the response from Facebook was real…real disturbing.  The social media company thanked the locals for their report but advised them that KYLPO’s kill cop t-shirt doesn’t go against any of Facebook’s community standards rules. They understand that murdering local police officers might offend some, but they are OK with promoting it on a shirt. 

Stunning. Unacceptable. Especially when some conservative voices have been silenced on social media for common sense mid-America thought.

Killing Cops breaks my Community Standards policy.

1 comment:

  1. Great news! That page is apparently down. At least I can't find it in Facebook search. I guess they had an actual person review it and removed it. Kinda makes this whole commentary about how Facebook promotes cop-killing while silencing conservative voices pretty pointless. Sometimes it takes time for an actual human to review the things you flag. I've had occasions where I flag something and completely forget about it, only to have it be reviewed way later. As far as I can tell, the ad must have first appeared a couple of weeks ago and as more people saw it and flagged it eventually it came down from an actual human review.

    Also why would you decide that it must be made by a basement-dwelling pizza delivery guy in his 20s? That's such a silly digression. It's probably just some bored kid trying to be edgy and grift.
