Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Junior Needs To Be In Class

In its infinite wisdom, the Illinois State Legislature and the Governor have the backs of high school seniors, creating a new law which allows them to ditch a couple of classes to vote.

A new state law allows students to leave school to vote in primary and general elections. They get two hours during the school day. That’s on election day…..or any day early voting is offered. This legislation was championed by two Chicago Democrats and signed into law by the Governor who thought enough of it to send out a press release.

In it, Senator Elgie Sims said…and I quote…”Signing this plan into law broke down a barrier that has long made it difficult for (them and other) students throughout the state to vote.”

Elgie, the polls open here in Fairfield at six in the morning because that is when I vote. I never see any 17-year-olds hanging out on election day. They remain open throughout the state until seven in the evening…..that’s what?....13 hours of opportunity?

School doesn’t start at six….students here get out a good four hours before the polls close. This is a useless law that allows students to ditch class. And looking at the state’s academic  achievement record, they need to be in class.

They have six hours, give or take a few minutes, to darken the door of the polls.
I marvel at the wasted effort….the fiddling while the state burns….this ridiculous gesture….

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