Tuesday, December 31, 2019

My One Resolution

I have never been much for New Year’s resolutions.

But this year, I think I have found one worth my commitment. I have three sons who have been fruitful and multiplied. They have provided a litter of five Dreith 

grandchildren. We just visited them over the holidays in Bethalto, Illinois where they all live. That’s two hours away. The oldest turns eight on Friday.

My resolution is to spend more time with those kids. They always seem happy to see me and I am always very happy to spend time with them.

Right or wrong----I have always put a great deal of my time and effort towards my career. Whether it be as an educator or in my current role, I have always invested a lot of time doing my job.

Now, it’s obvious to me that I need to invest a bit more time in the next generation, especially the generation with my DNA.

There are things they need to know.

I know their heritage, how they came to be Americans. I can tell them about the people who made sacrifices so they could live free.

I want to share my fascination for nature and the gifts of the land with them. Help them catch their first fish, help them learn how to responsibly harvest game.

I’d even like to teach them what my grandfather taught me. Look people in the eye and give them a firm handshake when you meet them. And most of all, be honest.

That’s the way I enter 2020. Committing myself to the responsibility of being a better grandfather. 

That’s my resolution.

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