Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Arrogance Personified

I have concluded, if former FBI Director James Comey’s lips are moving…he is likely lying.

My conclusion comes after a report by the Inspector General which lays out as many as 17 “significant errors and omissions” by the agency under Comey’s leadership as a part of the investigation into the president’s campaign staff.

But let's step back for a moment. This is the same guy who had much more to do with the outcome of the 2016 election than the Russians. Comey’s botched handling of the Hillary Clinton e-mail server investigation cost Clinton the election. Remember when he re-opened the probe in late October after concluding it in July?

Today, Comey sanctimoniously continues to defend himself while the facts continue to indict his miserable handling of the investigation into the President. The FBI repeatedly either lied or was grossly incompetent in seeking and renewing FISA warrants to surveil members of the President’s team.

The FBI used opposition research, funded by the Democrats, to secure the warrants against Trump staffers. If you can do that against the President of the United States…how easy is it to believe that the FBI would fudge the facts if they wanted your hide?

The person at the center of it all is James Comey. His incompetence killed Clinton and  led to the Mueller investigation which couldn’t find anything tying the president to collusion with the Russians. His mistakes have changed the course of history.

I wouldn’t buy his book even if it made an excellent doorstop.

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