Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Pot, Today's Panacea

I had to go back to listen to a story on our own newscast to confirm what I heard. In the end, it reminded me of a premise which would have made a good bit on Saturday Night Live….back when the show was funny.

Here’s the story….Illinois Governor J. B. Pritzker this week signed into law a way for medical marijuana to be dispensed by Physician Assistants and Advanced Practice nurses. That’s not what caught my ear.

The story, from the Illinois Information Service, went on to report the cannabis would be given to patients who suffer from anorexia, osteoarthritis….and….get this….irritable bowel syndrome. Now, before someone posts it…I am not a medical doctor. But now it makes sense to me why they call it “pot.”

I looked up irritable bowel syndrome and sought evidence that medical marijuana was an elixir for the bowels. What I found were medical publications that said the jury is still out. To mention one----the World Congress of Gastroenterology weighed in, 
saying cannabis use “increased the risk for IBS in the general population.” It doesn’t help….it just makes you feel high enough that you don’t really worry about it.

Here’s the kicker…a second new Illinois law makes it easier for students to get their prescribed dose of pot while at school. That wasn’t news to me. It appeared very easy for friends to acquire back in the 70s. They extolled the healing properties of pot….especially during concerts.

I have a prediction. Many Illinois college students are going to be self-diagnosing themselves this fall…..with irritable bowel syndrome.

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