Monday, June 3, 2019

A Decisive Weekend

Your Illinois Legislature was very busy over the weekend wrapping up a session for the ages. Unbelievably effective in making this state the undisputed leader in liberalism.

They voted for…and sent to a receptive governor…..

The legalization of recreational marijuana.

The systematic increase of the minimum wage to $15 per hour.
A constitutional amendment which will stop the state’s flat tax, shifting instead to a progressive tax.

A 40-billion dollar budget which raises license plate fees, legalizing sports betting, increased and expanded video gaming, added up to six new gambling casinos, increased taxes on cigarettes and vaping, increased our gasoline taxes to $38-cents per gallon. That means every time I fill up my truck, I’m sending $7.60 to Springfield.
We became a sanctuary state, preventing law enforcement from enforcing the law.

When you get your new driver’s license, you can identify yourself as male, female or…other.

If you are a convict in Illinois, you no longer have to worry about a five buck co-pay for your health care---it’s on us now. Oh, and by the way, inmates can now vote. We will even have a polling place at the Cook County Jail.

And, the most controversial piece of legislation that will be signed by the Governor---which says a fetus does not have any rights. It is probably the most liberal pro-choice bill in the country. It can happen up to the time of birth.

And lawmakers had the guts to give themselves a raise.

You have one party and one governor responsible for this revolution. If ever there was a legislative session that doomed a state----this was it.