Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Harvard Law Buckles To Student Pressure

I am rather amazed at a recent decision by the administration at Harvard University. A law professor and his wife, who have served as resident deans, have been fired.  The professor had the audacity of joining the defense team of Harvey Weinstein.

You remember Weinstein, the powerful Hollywood producer who is scheduled to go on trial for rape this fall.

The producer might be as guilty as sin….but he has a sixth amendment right to representation by an able attorney….and everyone has a first amendment right to free speech. You would think that would be understood at one of the most prestigious law schools in the world.

The professor got the message and dropped off Weinstein’s defense team.  But that didn’t matter. Students wanted him fired. They didn’t care that he and his wife were the first African-American deans in Harvard’s history.

I wonder…I wonder if the professor had….instead…represented Planned Parenthood or a gun control group….if the students would have demanded the ouster? You know the answer. He and his wife’s likeness would have been bronzed and erected out front of the university.

I’m sure Defense Attorney Fletcher Lewis wasn’t wild about representing Charles “Blackie” Harris on murder charges back in 1964. He lost, but Harris was afforded his full constitutional rights. It’s the way we do things in our justice system.

The people who administer Harvard Law know it. They are just too chicken to stand their ground against a bunch of empowered snowflakes.

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