Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Limo Liberalism

I didn’t watch the 91st Academy Awards ceremony on Sunday night. My TV set was off.

There was a time when I would watch the red carpet and find a comfortable spot to watch my favorite actors at their big night of the year. I even made it a point to see many of the flicks up for movie of the year.  The program was hosted by someone talented and funny. The actors were cognizant that there were fans watching in the vast flyover country between New York and California.

But the current version of the Oscars leaves me cold.

Now it’s the wealthiest people on the planet lecturing all the rest of us about the evil of wealth. You can cut that hypocrisy with a knife.

These prima donnas, riding in chauffeured limos, with gun-toting security guards, ride into a walled off compound and tell us we don’t need any stinking guns and walls don’t work.  They tell us we need to rebel against the one-percenters when all they need to do is look into a mirror to see incredible wealth…(and Botox,  and nips and tucks) and dresses worth more than our houses.

Jimmy Stewart was relate-able and recognizable. Christian Bale….not so.

Rudy Giuliani said it best.
 “Bob Hope made us laugh by laughing at Hollywood and laughing at himself. The modern Oscar show is marred every year by very little comedy and a lot of pontification and bloviating all in service of limousine liberalism.”

Nuff said.

1 comment:

  1. This is what got you worked up today? I don't care about the Oscars either, but come on. Why doesn't your blog have an eye roll react?


    Much better.
