Wednesday, January 30, 2019

The Utter Kind of Milk

In the movie “City Slickers,” a crusty old cowboy played by Jack Palance dies.
As the group of city folk out on a cattle round-up surround his grave. One of the city slickers gasped-----“How did this happen?

Another responded with exasperation----

“The man ate bacon at every meal.”

I don’t eat that much bacon. But I do like milk----real milk----the type that comes from a real cow.

Did you know that milk is losing market share? There’s almond milk…hazelnut milk, peanut, tiger nut, walnut, cashew----and that is just the nuts. Throw in pea, coconut….and even hemp. That could become really popular.

If it is a nut someone is crushing it and making milk. In fact, the European Union wants to prevent the knockoffs from even being called milk. The only thing that can be called milk in Europe is something from a lactating mammal.
And that might be the real problem. Over one thousand daily farms have closed in Great Britain alone.

It seems that real milk is not cool anymore. There are detractors spreading lies about bovine antibiotics and animal cruelty. I’m not buying.

 I can’t understand why people want knock-off milk…for me that 2-percent.
 I bet this movement is not tracking here in southeastern Illinois. This is a coast thing. Right?  Well, I do not choose to participate.

I can see people gathering around my grave at Maple Hill----hopefully many, many years from now…and saying  “I can’t imagine how this happened to Mike. Well, you know, he did have milk with every meal.”

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